WE ARE HERE by Paperhand Puppet Intervention in the Nicholson Gallery

WE ARE HERE by Paperhand Puppet Intervention

Celebrating 20 Years of Puppetry Arts

Opening Reception: Friday, July 12th
From 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

For 2 decades this award winning troupe has been creating spectacles, manifesting dreams and inspiring audiences of all ages across the Triangle and the world.
Their work seeks to (re)connect people with the Earth and its’ creatures (including humans to each other), while deepening our empathy and capacity to feel. They strive to illuminate and reflect the beauty, wonder, and magic of the world, while also illustrating the complexities and paradoxes of humanity. All this toward justice, compassion, creativity, equity, sustainability, and peace.

Exhibition runs July 3rd-31st, 2019