One of the things I absolutely enjoy about being a Gallery Manager is that I have the pleasure of meeting fellow artists. For the Month of April, Marcelle Kick’s “Renew” exhibition will hang in the Nicholson Gallery for all to peruse and enjoy. This week, I had the pleasure of interviewing Kick about “Renew” and the creative process. Below is a transcript of that interview.
“Newsprint, packing paper, and other various discards were utilized with acrylic paint, graphite, paint pens and soft pastels.”
-Marcelle Kick
CHASYAH SCOTT: How long have you been creating art?
MARCELLE KICK: I have been creating various things for as long as I can remember. Certainly not everything that I have made could be classified as “art”. There have been times when I have the urge to paint, or take a pottery class, or create a series of hand-made cards, or make sculptures out of plastic bags. There is always a project or two that I am in the process of imagining and fabricating.
For my 50th year, I decided to create one 6” x 6” piece of art every day. This daily practice pushed me to experiment more and incorporate different mediums. It also paved the way for the current work in this gallery show.
CHASYAH SCOTT: What is your creative process like?
MARCELLE KICK: In one word; experimental.
CHASYAH SCOTT: What do you enjoy most about creating?
MARCELLE KICK: There are many things I enjoy about creating, but at the top of the list is creative freedom. The act of discovering materials and their interaction with each other, seeing what works and what doesn’t. Starting something new can be a playful expression and put you in “the zone” – the sweet spot where nothing else matters and time doesn’t exist.
CHASYAH SCOTT: What do you hope visitors experience when they peruse your work?
MARCELLE KICK: I hope visitors enjoy the color and feel some connection to the imagery. Intentional or not, nature is a common theme in my work. Perhaps looking at my art will remind the viewer of their own experience in nature; a favorite hike or destination, some memory to hold dear.
CHASYAH SCOTT: What inspired you to use recycled material for your exhibition?
MARCELLE KICK: I believe any item can have a second life if we give it one. Rather than traditional presentation methods, the creation of these works allowed me to incorporate polystyrene boards that otherwise would be forced into the waste stream. I found personal gratification in using these materials that gave my life greater purpose when the world shut down during the covid pandemic.
Nicholson Gallery Exhibition
This April, peruse “Renew” and experience the joys of reused, environment friendly art. Join us April 8th at 7:30 p.m. at the Nicholson Gallery for a Reception to remember. Get to know the artist behind “Renew.” Hear Kick’s story in person. Meet other artists and art lovers. Wine and refreshments will be provided.
The ArtsCenter is located at 300-G East Main St, Carrboro, NC 27510
Learn More About “Renew” and Marcelle Kick
Chasyah L Scott is the Marketing Director and Gallery Manager at The ArtsCenter. For more information about The ArtsCenter and the Nicholson Gallery visit