Chris Facey: Dad Duty Project

May 6, 2024

Dates: June 14th through July 9th
Type: Gallery Exhibit
Gallery Hours: Monday – Friday: 10 am – 9 pm, Saturday: 10 am– 5 pm

Opening Event: June 14th, 2nd Friday ArtWalk at The ArtsCenter from 6 to 8:30 pm

Artist Statement

Dad Duty Project – Celebrating Black Fatherhood by Chris Facey

In the “Dad Duty Project,” I delve into the multifaceted journey of contemporary black fatherhood, capturing the profound moments that define this role. This project extends beyond photography; it’s a heartfelt exploration of the complexities and beauty of being a black father in today’s world.

Intending to harmonize tenderness with strength and vulnerability with resilience, I celebrate black fathers who navigate parenthood with grace and determination. In an ever-evolving society, this project pays homage to black dads who actively engage in the emotional, educational, and nurturing aspects of their children’s lives.

Every photograph within this project tells a story, a fragment of a larger narrative. Whether a black father is teaching a child to ride a bike, providing comfort on a challenging day, or sharing a moment of pure joy, these images capture the essence of the father-child bond. The “Dad Duty Project” is both a reflection of my personal journey as a father and an invitation to appreciate the beauty and depth of these everyday moments. It challenges conventional notions of parenthood and masculinity while underscoring the significance of being present, compassionate, and actively involved in our children’s lives.

Through this project, I aim to initiate vital conversations about black fatherhood and cultivate a deeper appreciation for black fathers who embrace their roles with love, authenticity, and a profound commitment to shaping the next generation.

Each photograph goes beyond mere visual representation; it encapsulates a feeling, an emotion, a connection. The “Dad Duty Project” stands as my tribute to the powerful and transformative love that black fathers share with their children—a love that is, without a doubt, a work of art in itself.

– Chris Facey


Chris Facey, a Brooklyn-raised photographer now based in Raleigh, NC, captures impactful moments that shape our world, inspired by Gordon Parks and W. Eugene Smith. Focusing on the African-American community, he brings sensitivity to his work, addressing racial injustices and stereotypes. Dedicated to spotlighting these stories, he launched “The Dad Duty Project” challenging stereotypes around absent fathers, and “Even In Death” highlighting an African American cemetery’s preservation. With a BFA from The School of Visual Arts and a background as a US Army veteran, Chris’s work has been featured in The New Yorker, New York Magazine, and The New York Times, and exhibited in galleries like The Golden Belt
Gallery, and The Bronx River Art Center. Through his storytelling, he drives visual activism,
using photography for social change that engages emotions and sparks vital dialogue.