Internet Abracadabra
AfterSchool Arts Immersion Residency with Ivan Liotchev
Opening Reception: Friday, July 12th
From 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
During this residency in April, students in grades K-5 took inspiration from the multi-faceted, non-linear nature of the internet to make mixed-media work using digital photography, drawing and collage.
“Every day we experimented, mainly using digital photography, furthering the previous day’s work. This led to each student creating a digital image at the end of the 10 days. For instance, we watched the students’ favorite YouTube videos projected on a screen and took weird photographs of them from different angles, experimenting with optical effects. We mixed it up by tossing ping-pong balls and taking photographs of the balls in motion.
Every day was a reworking of the previous day’s accomplishment, continually pushing images as far and inventively as we could.
Improvisation and play is key to this residency. We learned to let go of our expectations and embrace the unexpected. We thought about what it means to try to create something “new.” We even talked about why it’s important to create art in the first place!
Our goal was to recognize how play and experimentation are central to any creative endeavor. To let go of perceived mistakes and learn how to push them into something productive instead. To gain some awareness of the internet as a supertool for artists. And most of all, to have great amounts of fun while making stuff!” -Ivan Liotchev
Exhibition runs July 3rd-31st, 2019